Saturday, October 29, 2011

Living in a "Ghost Town"

Let's wind-up October SpookFest with a little local history.  Everyone lives in a "ghost town," in that there is much local history that has transpired before those of us currently living here (or wherever) were born.  Around Mooresville, Indiana, the ghosts of our past may be found wherever one looks at the historical records.  Those, fortunately, are readily available in the Indiana Room at Mooresville Public Library.

While we're talking about local history, let's remember that October is also National Family History Month, and so we should take some time to appreciate our roots.  Or root beer.  It's your call.

Not a Root Beer Fan, Myself,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Historical News Beat

P.S.  Visit the MPL YouTube Channel to watch more local history videos from our "treasure trove" playlist.

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