Sunday, October 9, 2011

Last Time Around: a Recollection

October SpookFest continues with a look at another paranormal book of interest.

Whether or not you believe in reincarnation, you should enjoy Captain Robert L. Snow's book, Looking for Carroll Beckwith: the True Story of a Detective's Search for His Past Life (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999) (ISBN1579541011). Captain Snow, a retired homicide commander with the Indianapolis police department, was an experienced crime investigator. Here was certainly no novice easily duped; instead, we have a skeptical, but open-minded, researcher. This seasoned law enforcement officer was faced with an enigma. When Snow participated in regression therapy (just to learn what it was all about), why did he vividly recall details about the life of 19th century portrait painter Carroll Beckwith, about whom Snow knew absolutely nothing? Snow painstakingly investigated the case as he would any crime mystery, carefully piecing together the evidence until he became convinced that he lived before as Beckwith. You may or may not be persuaded by Snow's thesis and supporting proof, but you should find his quite human story intriguing.

Looking for Carroll Beckwith is available in the Evergreen Indiana catalog.

Cat's Have Nine Lives, So Why Not People, Too?

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Parapsychology News Beat

P.S.  When one thinks of reincarnation songs, George Harrison's "The Art of Dying" (1966), which was released on the triple-LP set All Things Must Pass (1970), comes to mind.  It's a fine song, but I'd like to close with another song about reincarnation, "Happenings Ten Years Time Ago," by the Yardbirds, which was released as a single (1966).  There's a live performance (1967 video) by the Yardbirds featuring Jimmy Page somewhere online.

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