Saturday, October 22, 2011

"H"owling About Early Literacy

As you can see from my Cauli 4 Kids blog, we are "H"owling about the Letter H, the latest alphabetical adventure from the MPL Explore to Learn Blog, by Wild Thang and Toucan Sammy.  You simply "h"ave got to watch their video and read all about their innovative and enjoyable activities to "h"elp preschoolers learn to joys of reading.  You'll be "h"appier than a kitty with canned tuna when you see "h"ow much fun you can "h"ave with this "h"umongous letter that "h"ardly gets enough attention already.

Whew!  I'm "H"ed Out,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Early Literacy News Beat

P.S.  The Letter "H" arouses childhood memories amongst my elderly colleagues, like Scowl-Face.  If you'd like to see how your parents (or grandparents) acted when they were preschoolers, then here's a kinescope clip from the NBC television program Howdy Doody (1947-1960).  This series pioneered color television photography (as RCA owned NBC at the time, and RCA was an early TV manufacturer, among many other ventures).  Howdy Doody was the most popular children's TV series during the 1950s and influenced children's TV programming for decades.  Who needs high-tech gizmos and special effects?  Everybody can have a good time with puppets.  Life was simpler then.  (Dig the "product placement" as Mr. Doody pitches Kellogg's Rice Krispies to his captive audience.  Ahhh, the vulgar commercialism of the 1950s, when conspicuous consumption was not only encouraged, it was downright patriotic.)

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