Friday, October 7, 2011

Flying High, This Letter Is

The Letter F is flying high on the MPL early literacy blog, now that Wild Thang and Toucan Sammy have posted it (hey, Wild Thang, does the Letter F stand for finally?  Just asking).  I'm kidding, of course.

Be sure to take a peek, because there is a lot of interesting information there beyond the video.  Of course, the video is really fun, but the blog post gives us more for our money, so to speak.  That's always good.

I may be biased, but Wild Thang and Toucan Sammy's early literacy blog is the best of its type that I've seen on the Internet.  It is a model for other youth services librarians.  They should be lecturing at the Indiana University Schools of Library and Information Science (SLIS) (both of them) to demonstrate to aspiring librarians how it should be done.  Make it so, Broadway Gal!

SLIS Sounds Like Some Kinda Swimming Dinner To Me,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Blog News Beat

P.S.  Considering what I've said about Wild Thang and Sammy's blog, as well as the letter of the alphabet covered in their latest posting, it seemed appropriate to close with "Fame," by David Bowie, which was featured on the LP Young Americans (1975).  The song hit number one on Billboard's Hot 100 Pop Singles charts.

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