Friday, October 28, 2011

Animal Odyssey: Marketing With Library Critters

"Flat" Cauli III and "trusted minions" will be doing a "slobberdog and horsey show" at the Indiana Library Federation (ILF) annual conference next month in Fort Wayne, Indiana.  (I will be roaming around behind the scenes, as a roving reporter should, so you might see me there, too.)  Here is an excerpt from the ILF schedule of workshops.


Animal Odyssey: How Resident Pets Can Market Your Library Through Online Social Networks  (1 LEU/1 PGP) 

Imagine a public library in a small Hoosier town of less than 2,000 residents. The library’s local cat has his own blog that has 73,000 readers! (It’s Tober, the Thorntown [Ind.] Public Library Cat.) Library resident animals are a powerful, yet often under-utilized marketing and public relations tool, as famously demonstrated by Dewey Readmore Books, the (late) cat at Spencer (Iowa) Public Library, about whom many bestselling books have been written. Learn to use social media, such as blogs, Facebook, Twitter, podcasts and YouTube, to give voice to your library pets and, through their unique and humorous perspectives, promote library programs, collections and events. Give you library a global online footprint   while patrons (especially kids) enjoy following the antics and insights of your library’s animanls, be they cats, birds, rabbits, other furry mammals, fish or reptiles. 

Presenter(s): William R. Buckley, Mooresville Public Library; Janet E. Buckley, Greenwood Public Library

Audience: Public Librarians, School Librarians, Support Staff, Technology, Children’s Librarians, 
Cataloging/Reference, Library Trustees, Library Directors, Marketing/Communications

Room: Harrison C

If this sounds interesting, and you're planning to attend, we look forward to seeing you at the workshop.

For those attending, as well as those unable to attend, we have an MS-PowerPoint slideshow (presentation file) that is downloadable from  Just click the hyperlink below to access the download site.

2018 UPDATE:  Sorry, but the file is no longer available to download.  That stinks.

We hope to see you at ILF in November!

Grab Moi Some Goodies From the Vendors, Minions,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
ILF News Beat

P.S.  Unfamiliar with ILF?  Here's a video explaining what the organization does for Hoosier libraries.

1 comment:

  1. How cool! I hope more libraries are inspired to bring cats on staff.


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