Monday, September 5, 2011

A Workshop About Moi & My Library Critter Pals

This came attached to a recent email.

Click to Bigify

This is the official schedule for the Indiana Library Federation (ILF) annual conference coming November 14-16, 2011 in Fort Wayne, Indiana.  This is a BigBash to which Hoosier librarians flock in droves.  Perhaps I ought to attend, Boss Lady--at least to the workshop I saw on page 53.

Click to Bigify

Hey, this workshop sounds suspiciously like it's about moi, as well as Tober, Morgan, Browser, and all of my library critter pals.  So I should really be there to wow the attendees.  "Flat Cauli" might not be good enough for all these high-brow librarians.  After paying big buckeroos to attend the conference, shouldn't my audience see the real McCoy (or should I say, "CatCoy"?  I guess not.)  Of course, I'm not fond of big crowds and loads of strangers pawing moi, so perhaps we could hook-up through Skype or something similar.  Minions, investigate and report back.

If you're planning to attend the ILF Conference in November, you should include this workshop on your agenda.  Learning about moi has got to be the most interesting thing happening, for sure.

Willing to Sign Pawtographs at my ILF Workshop,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Professional Development News Beat

P.S.  This is Scowl-Face's second ILF Conference workshop.  Broadway Gal and he presented a book trailers workshop last November.  This year he is presenting with The Lady With the Red Hair, who created my blog for moi, like the good minion she is.  This presentation repetition got me to thinking of songs about repeating things, which led, logically enough, to "Do It Again," by The Kinks, from the album Word of Mouth (1984).

1 comment:

  1. How cool! My human has always wanted to do a book tour for my books and visit a bunch of libraries with resident cats. Maybe she will figure out how to do that one of these days.


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