Saturday, September 10, 2011

What's the Big Idea?

Today (September 10) is Swap Ideas Day.  Many folks exchange gift ideas, but the day covers a much broader scope.  You're supposed to pass along your great (or not-so-great) ideas with others.

I have some ideas that would make my world a much better place.
  • Increase Canned Tuna Availability for Moi.  Why is canned tuna-in-oil so expensive?  If the supply were increased, then the price would decline, if I recall my microeconomics (or was it macroeconomics?) correctly.  Which one has all those supply and demand curves?  That's the one I mean.  Who's in charge of market forces, anyway?  Well, whoever it is, we want more canned tuna-in-oil.  Send some.  Seems straightforward enough.
  • Volunteering at Your Favorite Library.  Since gasoline is so expensive, you probably can't afford to travel much.  Well, everything costs more, so you may not be going to the movies as frequently, or you may have cut back on your other entertainments.  So you may have some extra free time on your hands.  Why not help out at your favorite local library?  You have tremendous talents from which your library patrons would enormously benefit.  That's true at my Library.  Our volunteers are totally pawsome!
  • Read a Banned Book.  The American Library Association (ALA) is celebrating our freedom to read whatever we wish during banned books week (September 24 to October 1, 2011).  Well, not just during that one week--thankfully, our freedom to read is an everyday thing--but that's when the celebration is scheduled.  So you should read a banned book, just because you can!  My Library has a promo trailer for BBW.  No surprise there; we have videos for everything.

  • We Have Room(s) For You.  Did you know my Library has rooms you can check-out and use?  Well, you can't actually check them out, like a library book, but you can reserve and use them, if you have a library card, or if you are an organization or group needing larger accommodations, such as our Youth Program or Community Rooms.  Visit the MPL website for more details.

Do you have any ideas you'd like to share with moi?  I'd like to hear about them in my comments section.

I've got some truly big ideas, too, but they're too big to fit into this blog.  I'll need to do some stretching exercises, or perhaps I should use a smaller font.

Anyone Want to Pay Moi For My Ideas?  Just Asking,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Big Thinks News Beat

P.S.  Speaking of big ideas, here's "Big Time," by Peter Gabriel, from the album So (1986).

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