Thursday, September 15, 2011

More Books For Sale Than You've Had Hot Dinners

Mark your calendars, if you still use a paper calendar (like The Lady With the Red Hair), or input some alarm doodad into your handheld whatzit gadget or your computer email program (which may include a calendar).  Wherever your calendar is, note the following.

Ginormous MPL Book Sale!

Saturday, October 8, 2011, from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
at the Mooresville Public Library Community Room
(sponsored by the Friends of the Library)

The Friends of the Library (FOL) have been working hard to prepare for the sale.  Remember that Scowl-Face has been weeding the adult nonfiction collection?  He's culled over 3,500 books (probably closer to 4,000 thus far), and most of those will be available for you to buy.

Get this:  you can purchase ENTIRE BAGS of books for just a few dollars! Isn't that a steal? Well, perhaps not literally, but it's a bargain, for sure. Books will also be individually priced, but we're talking about 50 cents or a dollar. Where else can you find books so priced to move?

Here's the kicker:  all sales proceeds go to support library programs or to purchase more books, movies, music CDs, audio books, games, and other fabulous stuff for our collections.  You get to buy some grand books, and your library gratefully receives your support.  Everybody wins.  I like the sound of that.

So be at the book sale or be stale, in keeping with the rhyme scheme.  (You know . . .  Be there, or be square?  That was an old gem when I was a kitten four of my nine lives ago!)  Hope to see you there.  The only thing better than a library book sale is another book sale to go with it.  (Okay, so I'm no Oscar Wilde.)  Hey, I'll spring for a free paperback from the FOL book sale room at the Library if you can tell me the phrase AND the story title to which I'm alluding.  (Hint:  a portrait is worth a thousand words, even if it's old and grey.)

Probably Giving the Oscar Wilde Thing Away With That Clue,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Book Sale News Beat

P.S.  "The Book of Love," by the Monotones (1958), was a classic "Doo-Wop" song, which the group performed on television (recorded in Kinescope).  It was the Monotones' only hit, peaking at #5 on the Billboard Pop Singles Charts.

P.P.S.  There's a sketch from Monty Python's Flying Circus (BBC Television, 1969-1974) featuring Oscar Wilde and the phrase to which I'm referring, but I can't include a video clip of it here, since it has some naughty bits.  You can find it on your own easily enough (or ask Scowl-Face to recite the sketch dialog, verbatim.  He can do that.  It's sad, I know.)  Thanks to Eric Idle for my punch line in this blog post's title.  Well, he didn't write it specifically for moi, but he could have, if he'd known me back then.

1 comment:

  1. Makes me want to dance all the way to the FOL book sale!


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