Friday, August 5, 2011

Spooky Doll and Other Paranormal Fare

Karl C. B. Muilliwey (a nom de plume) knows a good ghost story when he finds one.  He is working on another book about true-life paranormal cases,  and we have a book trailer that tells about the title's leading case.

Look for Karl's new book sometime during 2012.

As the soundtrack to  our book trailer, we are excited to present the first minute of  a new orchestral composition, "The Human Doll," by our library composer, whom I call The Music Man.  It was particularly appropriate for this subject matter.

If you missed our book trailer about Muilliwey's earlier book, it, too, is worth a look.

Scowl-Face blogged about these books, too, but I know your time is valuable.  You can access a free PDF version of Muilliwey's first book here.

I've Seen Some Spooks in My Day,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Paranormal News Beat

P.S.  Here is Johnny Cash singing "(Ghost) Riders in the Sky," from an undated television performance.  Cash recorded the song in 1979.

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