Sunday, August 21, 2011

Relatively Fresh Book Trailers; No Refrigeration Required

It has been awhile since I've blogged the readers' advisory thing, so here goes.  We have some relatively fresh book trailers for some interesting reads. We begin with our first video "prime cut" (using a grocery meat counter analogy--and why not?  I like meat counters), which is a book trailer featuring a new science fiction novel (just released, or soon-to-be; street dates are for my minions to worry about).  You'd like title and author, I suppose.  Well, all things come to s/he who watches.

For young adult classics lovers, you should have already read this one, said Scowl-Face's high school American Literature teacher, junior year (he had, during his freshman year).  If you haven't, you ought to.

Life going too fast?  Tell me about it.

In recent years, a retired philosophy professor had real-time conversations with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who died in 1930.  Crazy?  Impossible?  Find out.

Jane Austen is all the rage nowadays.  If you can handle her 19th century prose, then why not branch out?  Victor Hugo should present little difficulty to Pride and Prejudice fans.  Give Hugo's masterpiece, Les Misérables, a go.

These and about 120 other book trailers are available for your viewing pleasure on my Library's YouTube Channel.  Check out the playlists along the right side of the MPL YouTube Channel home page.  We have over 180 videos uploaded, so there must be something you'll enjoy watching.  About 55,000 viewers have.

No Refrigeration Required (for Fresh Book Trailers),

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Video News Beat

P.S.  Karen McQuestion has written several truly engaging and entertaining books, for which there are "official" book trailers as well as those created by libraries such as mine.  Let's compare!  I'm ready to concede that the "official" ones are much better, but that's the advantage of having a budget, Boss Lady.  Just saying.  Both books are available in the Evergreen Indiana library catalog, and, of course, you may purchase copies from your favorite online book sellers, such as  

Official Book Trailer for Celia and the Fairies, by Karen McQuestion

MPL Book Trailer for Celia and the Fairies

Official Book Trailer for A Scattered Life, by Karen McQuestion

MPL Book Trailer for A Scattered Life

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