Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Old Settlers Winds Up, Down, and All Around

Today was the last for the 2011 Old Settlers Festival.  Our Tuesday (8/9/11) visitor count to the Library's two booths was 216.  That brings our grand total of booth visitors to (drum roll please . . .) 852.

Many thanks to Truly Nice Gentleman, OfficeMeister, Programma Mama, and the Lady With the Red Hair for their tremendous efforts distributing information, goodie bags, and general good will.  Special thanks to all of the Old Settlers attendees who dropped by our tables and who entered our buggy basket giveaway contest.  We're glad you included the Library in your rounds through the community organizations tents.

I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted, and I was only there as "flat Cauli."  Could be a reason there somewhere.

Too Pooped to Blog,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Old Settlers News Beat

P.S.  Speaking of being tired, there's "I'm Only Sleeping," by the Beatles, from the album Revolver (1966), digitally remastered in 2009.

P.P.S.  Time for bed.  There's "Good Night," by the Beatles, from the "White Album" (The Beatles, 1968).

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