Thursday, August 4, 2011

News Flash! Cuter Than Moi

On July 20, 2011, Kubwa, a female African elephant at the Indianapolis Zoo, gave birth to a baby daughter (which is called a calf), her third calf conceived by artificial insemination.  Apparently, that was historic, but I don't really need to know those particulars.  The Zoo's website gives the complete story, and there are lots of interesting details you'll enjoy.  The most absolutely important thing, however, is a matter of massive cuteness.  It pains me to admit, but this baby elephant is cuter than moi.  Who would have thought it possible!  But there it is.  There's no denying it.

Welcome, New Baby Elephant!
(Photos & Video Courtesy of the Indianapolis Zoo)

This newborn weighed in at 238 pounds--huge for most mammals, but elephants are large and in charge.  In fact, Kubwa is so tall that baby needs a stool to stand upon in order to nurse.  Caretakers at the Zoo said she learned the trick quickly and is having no difficulty getting her breakfast, lunch, dinner, and in-between snacks.  Having your meals delivered--that's a sweet deal!

Beginning yesterday, the Zoo is showing new baby in the elephant area for a couple hours daily (check the Zoo website for times).  If you live in the Indianapolis area, you simply must make a beeline to the Zoo pronto. Cuteness like this can't be missed.  They grow-up so quickly, so don't delay. Any critter cuter than moi is an instant worldwide celebrity.  Take your camera, too.  You need some pictures other than your slobberdogs.

Wishing I Had a Cute Trunk to Grab Things With,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Zoology News Beat

P.S.  My Library has a children's book trailer about elephants.  I blogged about it long ago, but it's worth another look.


  1. Baby Elephant is indeed pretty cute, but I don't think I would say she is cuter than you.

  2. That is one cutie Baby Ele! But more cute than u? Of course not :)

  3. Her birthday is the day before my human's... and she is DEFINITELY cuter than my human!


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