Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Call for Cauli at Old Settlers

Several visitors to my Library's booths at the Old Settlers Festival have noticed my "I Geek" poster or my "flat Cauli" facsimile photo, which the Lady With the Red Hair affixed to a cardboard cut-out of moi.  Minions reported the following snippets of conversation from among my fans who dropped by our booths.

"There's that library cat!"

"It's the cat that writes that online thing."

"The [library's] cat is really cute."

"What does that mean?" (pointing to my name)

"Look, it's Cauli" (pronounced as Cay-Lee) (but see corrective note below).

"Is that the cat at your library?"

(And so on.)  Both adults and children recognized my photo, but my absolute favorite was the tiny girl person who walked up to my roving reporter photo (used for "flat Cauli"), saw my press pass in the hatband of my fedora, and pressed it with her finger.  That, my friends, is masterful deductive thinking.  I don't know a single adult human who could have made that intellectual leap.  Keep your eye on that little gal; someday she will be running the show, make no mistake.

Press Here (Purrrrrrrr...)

Corrective note:  It's pronounced Call-Lee, like the vegetable cauliflower.  But Cay-Lee has a nice ring to it, too.

Visitor count for our booths Monday (8/8/2011) at Old Settlers:  203.  Two-day total is 636 thus far.  One more day!  Be sure to stop by later today, since it's now Tuesday morning.  Reporter's deadlines, you know.

Have Your Photo Taken With "Flat Cauli," If Your Phone Has a Camera,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Old Settlers News Beat

P.S.  Thinking about all those folks at Old Settlers who recognized moi reminded me of "Limelight," by Rush, from the Moving Pictures album (1981).

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