Thursday, July 14, 2011

Where's My Blog Trailer, Broadway Gal?

Late last month, Broadway Gal held a library workshop in which she taught teens how to make book trailers.  You may have seen some of our book trailers on the MPL YouTube Channel, but if not, you'd better scurry over there without delay.  We have over a hundred book trailers, and, overall, something like 168 videos uploaded (but who's counting, right?).

We would like to see some of your teens' creations, Broadway Gal.  To-wit:  Videos about moi.  Did you have your students make any?  I can't imagine not.  A Cauli book trailer (or, more precisely, a blog trailer) would really excite our patrons out there in cyberspace.  Like, for instance, this modest offering.

I'm sure your class participants could do better, although I like this one fine.  Maybe we should hold a contest for the best Cauli Le Chat blog trailer.  Broadway Gal, you could give the winner some of those great prizes  you're so excellent at obtaining from library supporters.  You're good at writing grants; seems like a grant to fund a Cauli Le Chat project would be a paw-in (a feline version of a shoe-in).

In any event, if your teens created some cool book trailers, we'd like to upload them to the MPL YouTube Channel.  Send them to Scowl-Face, who will make it so.  I'll post them on my blog, too, so more folks will enjoy them.  (My blog probably has a faster growing readership than our YouTube Channel.  Well, and why not?)

Why Not, Indeed,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Video News Beat

P.S.  Talking about book trailers and other videos that my Library has posted online reminded me of The Beatles cover of "Act Naturally," from the album Help! (1965).  The song was written by Johnny Russell and Voni Morrison, and it was first recorded in 1963 by Buck Owens and the Buckaroos, reaching number one on Billboard's Country Singles Charts.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I never thought of having a blog trailer! (My human is still getting it together to do my book trailer... slacker.)


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