Sunday, July 17, 2011

National Ice Cream Day Gives Most Felines a Bellyache

Today (July 17) is National Ice Cream Day.  I kid you not!  July, in fact, is National Ice Cream Month (signed by President Ronald Reagan, no less, in 1984).  Humans will doubtlessly do backflips over this exciting news, but many felines are lactose-intolerant, and so we're dubious about celebrating this holiday.

Fortunately, I have an alternative feline cuisine for the day's festivities.  If it's hot where you live, then you'll appreciate this.  Make with the kitty snow cones, minions!

Typical Snow Cone
(at least in America)

A Refreshingly Cool Feline Treat

Snow cones are ideally suited for kitties.  Our rough tongues are perfectly equipped to wear down the shaved ice, and there usually isn't too much syrup added, so we don't overload on sugar.  It's mostly just frozen water, which cools and refreshes in this sweltering heat and humidity.  Humans can enjoy snow cones, too, but they should be thinking of our hydration needs first.  After all, cats and first are synonymous.

Video of Sam, Who Loves to Munch Snow, N'ym, N'ym

Folks like to share their foods with their four-pawed friends.  It's only reasonable, since they are blessed with our companionship.  But there are limits to what's acceptable.

Excuse Moi While I Barf

We kitties will leave the ice cream for our people pals, but the snow cones are all ours.

Make Mine Extra-Large With That Blue Stuff Poured On,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Holiday News Beat

P.S.  Fresh Aire IV, an instrumental album by Mannheim Steamroller (1981), is based upon a winter theme and was composed by Chip Davis..  The first track, "G Major Toccata," employs the pipe organ to grand magnificence.  See if your library has any of the Fresh Aire CDs.  You may also purchase them from your favorite online music seller.

1 comment:

  1. I think it would be pawsome if my human made me a chicken-flavored snow cone! That could easily be done - just use low or no-sodium chicken broth instead of syrup.


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