Saturday, June 11, 2011

Wanda of the Golden Dawn

To help celebrate the 90th birthday of Wanda Potts, MPL Indiana Room Librarian Emeritus, we offer a poem, which we have made into a video (included on our YouTube Channel's Program Trailer playlist, among others).  Here's the "video poem."

Happy 90th, Wanda!  We hope you enjoy today's celebration at the Library to which your life's work has been devoted.  Here are some photos from the big bash today.

Hoping There's Some Cake for Moi,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Birthday Bash News Beat

P.S.  Bob Hope and Shirley Ross sang "Thanks for the Memory" (1938), from the motion picture The Big Broadcast of 1938.


  1. Please give Ms. Potts big birthday purrs from all of us kitties in Los Angeles!

  2. Happy Birthday Wanda! Great poem for Wanda :)


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