Thursday, June 23, 2011

Twitterin' in the Stacks

Birds in all creation
Will be twitterin' in the trees
And down below's a pond I know
You can swim in it if you please

Gordon Lightfoot, "Summertime Dream"
(from the LP Summertime Dream [1976])

The lyrics sound better when sung, so watch this.

Gordon Lightfoot singing "Summertime Dream"
Live in Concert (Undated)

Gordon Lightfoot certainly sang truly about those twitterin' winged dinners.  How could he have known, way back in the dark ages (i.e., 1976), that folks and felines alike would be twitterin' messages on Twitter?  It's pretty amazing prognostication, I'd say.  (Or was he being literal?)  Well, I'm happy to use this segue to introduce new library tweeting.

The Lady With the Red Hair, whom, you may recall, is boss lady of Technical Services at Greenwood (Indiana) Public Library (GPL), had a terrifically clever idea.  She suggested that she and her staff would tweet the latest books they had just cataloged and include hyperlinks to the Evergreen Indiana (E.I.) online catalog (OPAC) so that patrons could place holds on these freshly-cataloged items.  Isn't that just the cat's pajamas, if you'll pardon the cliche?  It was such an extraordinary idea that Scowl-Face immediately stole it for my Library.  But Scowlly doesn't have my Library's Twitter login information, plus he is frankly clueless about how to use Twitter, so I guess I'll have to show him the ropes, once again.  Good help is just so hard to find (sigh).  Plus Broadway Gal will need to email him the account information.  Again.  (Eye-roll.)

What will Scowl-Face tweet about, do you think?  Well, obviously, he should be twitterin' about my blogs; that much should have been obvious, even to him.  He should also tweet about my Library's book trailers and other videos posted on the MPL YouTube Channel.  He could also twitter about newly cataloged items (he works both reference and technical services at my Library).  There's also library program promotions, other blogs, new library services--the list is extensive and multitudinous.

I'll post my Library's Twitter name (once Broadway Gal tells me) so you may follow all our tweets.  It's something to look forward to.

Looking in Those Trees for Some Twitterin' Winged Dinners,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Social Networking News Beat

P.S.  On the television program Top of the Pops (1972), The Jackson 5 performed their cover of "Rockin' Robin," which Michael Jackson solo-recorded on his album, Got to Be There (1972).  The song was originally released by Bobby Day in 1958 and was his only hit single.

1 comment:

  1. Cauli, Thank goodness u r there to keep everything running smoothly at Moorseville. What would they do without u!:)


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