Tuesday, June 21, 2011

There's a New Sheriff in YouTube Town

Looks like there's a new sheriff in YouTube town.

GPL Book Trailer:
Murder Past Due, by Miranda James

Kudos to The Lady With the Red Hair for creating her inaugural book trailer. Pretty slick!  Of course, it would have been infinitely better had it featured moi, but Diesel is a strong feline character in the novel, so I'm down with that. I, too, recommend the book.  It is a fast and enjoyable mystery read.  For us Evergreen Indiana (E.I.) library cardholders, you may place a hold on this book by going to the E.I. OPAC (online catalog).

Greenwood Public Library (GPL) Entrance
(Greenwood, Indiana)

I'm told that, upon approval by their Boss Ladies, Greenwood Public Library (GPL) Technical Services Department is planning to use online social networking to promote newly cataloged items.  Thanks to The Lady With the Red Hair, who is boss lady of that department, they have chosen a spokesinsect (think spokesperson, only substitute a butterfly) to blog and tweet.  GPL has a fine butterfly garden, which is the tie-in for their master of ceremonies for the cataloging posts.  This promotion also dovetails nicely with The Lady With the Red Hair's workshop involving library animals and public relations/promotions to be given at the Indiana Library Federation (ILF) conference in November 2011.  You should plan to attend.  I'll be there, I hope.  Bring some food.  I might get hungry.

Congrats, Lady With the Red Hair, on Your Nifty Book Trailer Debut,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Readers Advisory News Beat

P.S.  To learn more about GPL Technical Services, you could watch (if you can stand it) an early video Scowl-Face made in April 2010 for his S504 Cataloging course in the Indiana University School of Library and Information Science (SLIS) at IUPUI.  It's supposed to be funny, so laugh a little.  Otherwise, you'll hurt Scowl-Face's feelings.  Boo-hoo.  Buck up, man.


  1. This sounds like a great book to review for my blog! I will have to track it down at one of the libraries near me.

  2. Enjoyed both videos! The book looks like a good read.


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