Sunday, June 5, 2011

Share Your Love of Reading

We library lovers love to read.  (Or is it that we reading lovers love to library?) Life's pleasures are enhanced by sharing.  A single joyous seed brings forth a forest of happiness when that seed is sown with others.  (Hey, Bartlett's editors:  Add that one to your stash.  Correct spelling of my name is at the bottom of every blog post.)

Our program trailer (above) encourages our patrons to share their love of reading at their favorite libraries.  Now that summer reading is upon us, there is no better time to share.  Cautionary word, though:  If you go to the beach, like the couple in the video's photo montage, please keep the sand out of those library books.  Some things you don't need to share with other library patrons.

Wouldn't Mind Sharing Someone's Sandwich Right Now,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Divvying News Beat

P.S.  In keeping with the spirit of sharing, our musical closer today is "The Sharing Song," by Jack Johnson and Friends, from the album Sing-A-Longs and Lullabies for the Film Curious George (2006).

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