Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Potter Party! (Try Saying That Three Times Fast)

Are you a Harry Potter fan?  Well, then.

Wait, there's more.  To celebrate the release of the final Harry Potter movie, my Library is hosting a Harry Potter Party on June 21, 2011 (6-7 p.m.) for grades K-6 in the MPL Youth Program Room.  (Children in grades K-2 should have a parent accompanying them.)  Registration is required, and space is limited, so you should sign up.  Right now!  This instant!  Call (317) 831-7323 to register.  Snoozers are losers (you know, you snooze, you lose), so don't delay.

Will there be comestibles?  You betcha.  Try these on for size:

Butter "Beer" (Not Really Beer, Parents)

 Chocolate Froggers

Will there be contests, too?  What would a party be without contests?  Do tell!

  • Harry Potter Trivia Contest
  • Costume Contest
Plus more than you can shake a magic wand at.  You will be amazed and delighted, but not necessarily in that order.

So get with the registration thing and plan to attend this gala event.  Our Library parties are always a blast--just ask Wild Thang or Broadway Gal--so you will have fun aplenty.

I Could Use a Chocolate Frogger Right About Now,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Party Down News Beat

P.S.  Parties call for The Who singing "Instant Party" (A.K.A. "Circles," even though this isn't the title), from the LP, The Who Sings My Generation (1966).  This music video features a montage of Who video from the 1960s.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds fun! Ms. Alyssa has a recipe for Butterbeer she swears by...but it does tend to make her bounce off the walls....


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