Monday, June 20, 2011

Papier-Mâché Mask of Moi Competition

Just a few days ago, Junior (of Junior's Farm) presented his special correspondent's blog posting about my Library's papier-mâché mask-making program.  Alert reader Ellie made a brilliant suggestion:  Have a contest to select the best papier-mâché mask made in my likeness!  It's an idea whose time has surely come.

Since this program was offered through my Library's Youth Services Department, I would need to clear any contests with Broadway Gal.  But I think this would be a sure winner and would attract hordes of my adoring fans to the Library.  That should help our patron door count.  These things take planning and time to organize and arrange, so we probably wouldn't see an actual contest until sometime next year, since MPL Youth Services plans a year ahead or thereabouts for its fun time activities.  But the ball is certainly rolling, thanks to Ellie.

Hoping to Wear the Winning Mask at the Next Mardi Gras,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Party Down News Beat

P.S.  Speaking of Mardi Gras, here's Louis Armstrong's definitive rendition of "When the Saints Go Marching In."

1 comment:

  1. Glad u like the mask idea Cauli :)
    Great piece of music sung by Louis Armstrong. This is the song all the Saints football supporters of Southampton like to sing!


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