Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Home Run Hit

I don't mind telling you that the Lady With the Red Hair's latest book trailer is a home run hit.  (In fact, it's a runaway hit, so I guess it'd be a home runaway hit.)  Actually, it is a book series trailer, which is something of a first around her (or my) Libraries.  Have a look, won't you?

The trailer features the four mystery novels comprising the Southern Sewing Circle Series by Elizabeth Lynn Casey.  I could drone on about them, but that's Scowl-Face's job.  Anyway, this video summarizes things mighty fine, I must say.  (You may also watch it on my Library's YouTube Channel.)

Mysteries are a great summer read.  Well, any season will do nicely, but it's summer right now, so why not?  Don't wait for a rainy day.  Place your holds now if you're an Evergreen Indiana cardholder.  Do an author search in our online catalog for books by Casey, Elizabeth Lynn.  (Be sure to select everywhere to search the entire E.I. library consortium.)  See what you find, and find what you see.

Not Just Another Sew-Sew Mystery Series,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Readers Advisory News Beat

P.S.  Digging deep into the musical archives, Fanny Brice sang "The Song of the Sewing Machine" (1927).

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