Saturday, June 18, 2011

Enjoy My Blog Trailer

Just a couple of days ago, I mentioned to The Lady With the Red Hair that I needed my own blog trailer.  A blog trailer is something new for us.  It highlights a blog that a Library staffer or volunteer posts on Blogger.

My Library has loads of videos, including program trailers, book trailers, local history videos, music videos, and other promotional videos, on the MPL YouTube Channel, but none for moi.  This glaring omission required immediate action.  Well, lo and behold, this morning I found a Facebook link that took me to this video.  Watch it with me, will you?

MPL Blog Trailer for Moi

I couldn't be more pleased.  Thanks, Lady With the Red Hair and The Music Man, for his great soundtrack music!  Oh, and Scowl-Face helped a little, so thanks, too.

Hoping For Lots of Video Views,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Video Trailer News Beat


  1. Hi Cauli,can see why you're pleased! Great video with fabulous piano playing!
    Made me laugh when the kitty stuck his tongue out!

  2. How cool! Now if only I can get my human to finish the book trailer for my books...


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