Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Cool Cats Dig Archaeology

The Internet is a great resource for finding information.  Some of it is even accurate.  Here, for example, is an apparent photograph of Scowl-Face.  (I typed "scowl face" into Google and got this, among other things.  Really.)

It's a Good Likeness

Okay, it's actually a stone figure from the Olmec civilization.  For a reader-friendly scholarly treatment, consider this.

Interestingly, Scowl-Face actually saw this particular fellow among the statuary on display while visiting various Olmec sites in Mexico about the time of the Aztecs (in 1967 and, again, in 1974).  (Okay, maybe the Aztecs came a little earlier.)  He has an Olmec head that his mother gave him.  Not an actual human head, but a stone facsimile.  (It's not an actual antiquity; Scowlly's mom was no Indiana Jones.  She bought it at a gift shop.)  It looks like this:

Olmec Head

Scowl-Face (and the Music Man) both dreamed of being archaeologists when they were in elementary school (not at the same time, though).  Other pursuits diverted them, but they keenly remain interested in the subject.

I think we should have a few Olmec heads in the Library's Courtyard.  It would be really cool "local color" (if, by the term, we mean ancient Mesoamerican cultures).  These heads are really far out.  Big, too.

Hey, Fella, Where You Headed?  (Hahahahahaha)

You should read up about these civilizations.  History is pretty neat.

Speaking of archaeology, my Library is having an archaeology dig for grades K-6 on June 30, 2011.  There will be three sessions:  from 10:00-11:00 a.m., 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m., and 1:00-2:00 p.m.  Registration is required, so please call (317) 831-7323 (ask for Youth Services).  Oh, they'll be doing dinosaur bones (more paleontology than archaeology), not ancient human civilizations (which is what archaeology studies), but why split hairs?

Maybe My Likeness Should Be Cast In Stone,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Archaeology News Beat

P.S.  Talking about the Olmec civilization promoted our choice for musical closer today.  Big Head Todd (of Big Head Todd & the Monsters) sang an acoustic version of "Bittersweet" (recorded March 4, 2008, at WNKU-FM).


  1. Cauli, That guy with the big Olmec head is wearing a fanny pack. Score one for Scowl-Face!

  2. Two un-hip dudes do not a fashion statement make, Scowl-Face.

  3. Fascinating to read about the Olmec civilization! Interesting how the people carved mostly scowl faced sculptures! Maybe I will study the Olmec civilization when I start my Archaeology course in September :)


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