Monday, May 23, 2011

Tober Hits 80,000!

Congratulations to Tober, the Thorntown (Indiana) Library Cat, for topping 80,000 viewers on his blog.  Way to go, Tober!   Biblio felines rule!

Although I could certainly improve upon Scowl-Face's blog post discussing Tober's grand achievement, I see no reason to reinvent the wheel.  Check it out.  Uncharacteristically, Scowl-Face has some cogent points to express and manages with surprising clarity and precision.  (Okay, I said the praise-stuff, S.F.; where's the canned tuna-in-oil for moi?)

Trying to Reinvent a Nap,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Feline News Beat

P.S.  Speaking of following blogs and such, here is John Denver singing "Follow Me" (1970) on Upbeat, a syndicated musical variety television program based at WEWS-TV in Cleveland, Ohio.  The series aired between 1964 and 1971.


  1. I firmly believe that one of the reasons the Los Angeles Library System is lacking is because it does not have any feline employees! My human wanted to take my books on a library cat tour until she realized that she would have to travel awfully far to find libraries with cats. That is not right.

  2. Iron Frog Productions used to have a website with a map showing library cats all around the world, but the site ( appears to have disappeared.

  3. Yes, that's strange about the Iron frog website not working. I expect u know about the website showing American library cats -


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