Monday, May 16, 2011

Ten Grand!

Just shy of Scowl-Face's April Fool's Day, my blog's loyal viewership reached the big five-triple-goose-eggs.  Last Wednesday (May 11, 2011) my trusty blog counter informed me that readership had just topped 10,000.  That's ten grand!  If readers were money, would I be sitting pretty with a warehouse full of canned tuna-in-oil.  (By the way, The Lady With the Red Hair tried to foist off canned tuna-in-water on moi and Stumpy.  That's nerve for you!  As if our delicate palates couldn't tell the difference.  [Before Scowl-Face can insert one of his annoying editorial comments, I'll grant that the feline tongue does the actual tasting.  Also bathing.  Hey, it's what we do; deal with it.]  I trust this egregiousness shall not be repeated.)

Once again, I thank each and every one of my loyal readers for following my blog.  I hope you have found it entertaining and informative.  (If you're an insomniac and need a palliative, try this blog.  Knock you out like an uppercut, I'll wager.)

Naturally, I'm just kidding.  Please read each and every one of my Library's blogs.  The MPL home page offers easy-to-follow hyperlinks (just click our photo icons).  You will find our blogs to be highly informative and enjoyable.  Mine especially, of course.

Maybe Boss Lady Will Give Moi a Special Award,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Statistical News Beat

P.S.  Our musical closer just had to be from 10,000 Maniacs, featuring Natalie Merchant, singing "These Are Days," from Our Time in Eden (1992).


  1. We agree with u Cauli, Tuna in oil is much tastier! Hope u never get the watery variety again :) Congratulations on reaching the 10,000 readership figure!

  2. This was originally posted on Wednesday 5/11/11, but we reposted it on Monday 5/16/11, due to Blogger hacking it up like a hairball at the end of last week [to paraphrase Tober the Thorntown (Ind.) Library Cat]. Please excuse the repetition, if you read it before.


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