Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Prime Feline Dumpster Diving Spots Around My Side of Town

Newcomers to my blog may not know where I hang out.  When I'm visiting my Library, I'm pounding the pavements on the west side of Mooresville, Indiana.  Thanks to Google Maps (2011), here are aerial views of my hot spots.

Mooresville Public Library
(Red Circle is Children's Outdoor Garden)
(#1 is where I'm sitting)

If you're a freedom feline like me, you can expect the occasional food and water bowls left outside my library area (see #1 above) or at various feline-friendly homes in the surrounding neighborhoods.  But there is prime dining available outside various restaurants within easy walking distance.  People are so wasteful!  They toss out lots of perfectly good food just waiting to be rescued from the dumpsters.  (For some unfathomable reason, cats are not welcome inside restaurants.  Feline discrimination, that's what that is.)


Skilled in the Art of Clandestine Dining

On the Google Map images below, I've circled in red several restaurants nearby my Library, with the (probable) dumpster locations indicated in yellow.  Beware, would-be kitty dumpster divers!  Avoid sharp objects, broken glass, and such like.  Also, you will find that certain dumpsters attract herds of fellow kitties, so you must reconnoiter carefully and approach with caution.

Just North of Newby Elementary School Campus
(on North Monroe Street)

A Few Prime Eateries in
Downtown Mooresville

McDonald's at Intersection of South and Indiana Streets

I've Hit the Mother Lode!

Scowl-Face has advised that I mention that we are not endorsing any of the establishments mentioned herein; rather, I am simply suggesting good places where fellow roaming felines may grab a bite to eat through the skilled art of clandestine dining.  There are other excellent restaurants in Mooresville that my cat colleagues will wish to frequent.  You people, too, might try them as well.  Heck, just go out to every single food-serving establishment in Mooresville and eat plenty.  Enjoy yourselves.  It has to be better than Scowl-Face's cooking.

Make Mine Carry-Out,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Feline Eateries News Beat

P.S.  Thinking of fine cuisine and those who enjoy it, we offer George Harrison's "Piggies" from The Beatles "White Album" (1968).

P.P.S.  Any food song reference must include something from Weird Al Yankovic.  Here is "Spam" from UHF: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack and Other Stuff (1989).


P.P.P.S.  If you have a high tolerance for glucose-laden '60's pop, there is "Sugar Shack," performed by Jimmy Gilmer and the Fireballs (1963).

1 comment:

  1. Great dining suggestions! If I ever come to Mooresville, I will have to try them out!


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