Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Paws to Read to Moi, If You Please

2022 UPDATE:  PAWS to Read now meets on Tuesday evenings at 6-7 p.m.  See my library's online calendar for details.
Click to Bigify Blurb

As you can see from this excerpt from the MPL Bookmark newsletter (June/July 2011), the Paws to Read! program is coming to my Library on June 4, July 9, and July 30, 2011 (11 a.m. to Noon).  Kids from grades K-6 read to a slobberdog or possibly another animal.  That's a bit vague.  Would this "other animal" be feline, perhaps?

Slobberdogs are Great Listeners, But Why Should They Have All the Fun?

Fine Literature Requires a Sophisticated Audience

Reading to slobberdogs is great fun, but you have to read at their levels, which, from our children's collection, would be the earliest "ready-to-read" books or possibly preschool.  For some slobberdogs (you know who you are), board books would be a challenge.  I, on the other paw, am prepared to hear the literary classics.  Make with the Melville!  Tolstoy is a snap!  Even Chaucer presents no problems for moi.

Of course, it may be difficult to work this into my busy schedule, what with all the roving reporting I am doing for the Library.  Well, I'll try to be there, but if not, then pull up a slobberdog and read-to!  You'll all have a wonderful time.

Readalongs Are Paws-itively Cool,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Read-To News Beat

P.S.  Paws to Read is all about friends sharing great reading.  Speaking of friends, here are James Taylor and Carole King performing "You've Got a Friend" (Nov. 1971 television performance).

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