Monday, April 4, 2011

We Have Peeping! Chicksoons Good to Go!

It is official:  the chicksoons are peeping in their shells!  This is an  eggs-traordinary precursor-to-breakthrough (of shells, that is).  The chicks responded to their surrogate mother hen, Broadway Gal, as you can see in this handy video.

Chicksoon emergence is anticipated tomorrow morning (Tuesday, April 5, 2011).  Times have been estimated between 9:45 a.m. (by moi) to 11:36 a.m. (by Wild Thang).  The Library's chicksoon consultant estimates hatching at around 11:47 a.m.  She should know, so watch around her time for best results.

Keep pace with the latest developments in this egg-static, unfolding story by reading the chicksoons' official blog, Hatching Chicks @ MPL, by Broadway Gal.

This roving reporter will be present to bring you the egg-citing details of each chick birth.  Afterwards, I'm planning a big lunch.  Canned tuna-in-oil, my favorite, of course.  What did you think I meant?

Looking Forward to Chicksoons Becoming Full-Fledged Chicklings (Chicklets?),

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Yellow Fluffball News Beat

P.S.  Enjoy Don't Sleep in the Subway, written by Tony Hatch and performed on Rai Uno (Italian) television live by Petula Clark.  (Get it?  Hatch?  Eggs?  What a stretch!)


  1. Very exciting there at Moorseville waiting for the chicks to hatch! Good mother hen noises there from Broadway Gal!

  2. Wow unbelievable cat eye. Shiny brown with a green pearl in the middle. Quite horror for me.


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