Thursday, April 28, 2011

Theme Song Update

We have the top two reader selections for my theme song, from among The Music Man's compositions.  They are:

  • "He Who Comes For My Soul," from the CD Touch of Winter: 10 Journeys Through White Magick (2010)
  • "Seashells on the Beach," from the CD Through Abstract Eyes (2010)
(Copyright © 2010 by Daniel E. Buckley.  All Rights Reserved.  Used by Permission.)

You may have heard "He Who Comes For My Soul" as the soundtrack to our book trailer for Go, Dog. Go!  If not, it's not to be missed.

"Seashells on the Beach" has appeared in a variety of our book trailers, program trailers, local history videos, and other offerings on the MPL YouTube Channel.  Here are a couple of examples.

Care to cast the deciding vote between these two candidates for Cauli's theme?  Leave a comment in comments (at the bottom of the posting).

I like both songs, myself.  But, then, I enjoy all of The Music Man's repertoire.  Who wouldn't?

Knowing Great Music When I Hear It,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Great Music News Beat

P.S.  "Sick Doctors Treating Healthy Patients," comes from The Music Man's CD Music Therapy for the Deranged (2010).  To see how we used this piece in one of our videos, we offer our book trailer to The Treatment Trap, by Rosemary Gibson and Janardan Prasad Singh (Ivan R. Dee, 2010).

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