Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"Phishing" for Fish Bloggers at Westfield Washington

Folks who use email have probably heard about the nefarious practice of "phishing," by which email scammers try to obtain your sensitive personal information, such as user names, passwords, logins, etc., by enticing you to follow false hyperlinks or to pursue fraudulent ventures.  Well, I would never resort to such evil tactics, mostly because I am, if nothing else, a truly good kitty, and such behavior would undoubtedly scotch my chances for sainthood.  I used the term in this blog's title to mean something entirely different.  I'm referring, of course, to swimming suppers.  People call them "fish," but I think "phish" is a cooler spelling, if cooler is indeed a word.  (More cool?  Who decides these things?  Better check some definitions.  Wait--I found the answer, I think.)  In any event, Phish is a terrific band (more on that later).

We felines see swimming suppers along these lines.

Singing Swimming For Your Supper

Progress compels us to adapt to changing attitudes and societal needs.  So we will dispense with the "swimming supper" moniker for the time being and get down to brass tacks (whatever that means).

Last week The Lady With the Red Hair and Scowl-Face attended an Evergreen Indiana cataloging roundtable (more about roundtables later) and learned a bunch of cataloger stuff that is well beyond the ken (but not the Barbie) of the average joe person.  An interesting aside, about which I have been reliably informed, was provided at the meeting.  Shelley L. (I'm using her surname initial to preserve her privacy, sort of), who is the cataloging wiz at Westfield Washington Public Library (WWPL), in Westfield, Indiana, and who was one of the instructors at the cataloging roundtable, said that fish live in her Library (presumably in an aquarium, but I'm open to other possibilities).

This got me to thinking:  Resident library fish are no different than a resident library rabbit or a resident library cat (or, for that matter, a feline roving reporter such as moi).  We know about Morgan the Library Bunny (at Morgan County [Indiana] Public Library [MCPL]) and Tober the Library Cat at Thorntown (Indiana) Public Library (TPL), both of whom are world-famous (especially Tober) for their massive cuteness and erudite insights.  Everyone, needless to say, knows about moi.  Here's my proposal:  Westfield Washington Public Library should have its resident fish start a blog!  The fit is ideal.  Like the public libraries in Mooresville, Morgan County, and Thorntown, WWPL is an Evergreen Indiana library consortium member.  That makes them plenty special.  MCPL and TPL have resident critters, and MPL has moi, who hangs around mostly outside the place.  So Westfield's resident fish would be a perfect marketing fit.

Imagine the valuable information WWPL's fish could impart to blog readers and patrons.  Fish have big eyes that see everything!  Of course, WWPL has a web site, which keeps folks well informed.  But the fishy perspective would be much more interesting and just plain fun.  Face it, peeps (as Morgan the Library Bunny says)--whose blog would you rather read:  Scowl-Face's or mine?  I rest my case.

I'll be sending this blog to the power brokers at WWPL to see if we're on the same page about resident critter blogging.  My consulting fee, as always, is a case of canned tuna-in-oil, which, in the spirit of cooperation, I am gratiously waiving on this occasion.

Come on, Westfield!  Join the ranks of critter bloggers such as Tober, Morgan, and moi.  Your fish need a forum to voice their views.  Cuteness is a truly powerful marketing tool.

More Cute Than You Can Shake a Stick At,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Critter Blogging News Beat

P.S.  In keeping with our fishy theme, there's Phish playing "Theme From the Bottom," from the album Billy Breathes (1996).

P.P.S.  Talking about the E.I. cataloging roundtable reminded moi of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, which, naturally, led moi to Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975).


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