Thursday, April 14, 2011

L'il Reader Dude Knows the Score

With the end of National Library Week (April 10-16, 2011) fast approaching, Li'l Reader Dude reminds us to create our own stories at our libraries.  He sits, forever reading, immediately adjacent to the interior book and media return slots to the left of the Circulation Desk at my Library.

L'il Reader Dude
(Next to MPL Business Cards; Where's Mine, Boss Lady?)

 There is a plaque at L'il Reader Dude's feet, which says:

In Loving Tribute
Marian Adams
Teacher, Librarian, Friend

Marian Adams, grandmother of Programma Mama, our Library's adult programs coordinator, was a legendary figure in and around Mooresville, Indiana.  She devoted her professional career to education and literacy in the Mooresville Consolidated School Corporation.  Here is a circa 1970 photo of Mrs. Adams reading to students at Northwood Elementary School.

Marian Adams Leading a Reading Circle
at Northwood Elementary School (ca. 1970)

If you can read my blog, thank your teachers and librarians.  They are dedicated to their charges, and they are underpaid and overworked by any reasonable person's definitions.  But they love learning and reading, and they want to share that with the world.  That is a truly noble career goal.  Doff your hats to Mrs. Adams and everyone working (or who has ever worked, or will work) in the education and information science professions.  Take them out to dinner sometime.  Canned tuna-in-oil is a sure winner.

Quite the L'il Reader Dude Myself,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Literacy Aplenty News Beat

P.S.  When I think of songs about books, my first choice is "Paperback Writer," by the Beatles (1966). 

1 comment:

  1. Cauli! I just saw this, my apologies. But thanks for the post about my Grandma-she was a very special lady. By the way, digging the nickname. ~Programma Mama


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