Saturday, April 16, 2011

It's ALL Good!

By Junior of Junior's Farm
MPL Special Correspondent
Arts & Crafts News Beat

If you like art, and who doesn't, you should drop by my Library ASAP to see the annual Tri-Kappa art show currently on display.  Featured are the many marvelous and varied creative expressions of the students attending the primary and secondary public and private schools in Mooresville, Indiana (including those Morgan County schools that belong to the consolidated school corporation).  Since everybody's art work is fabulous, I don't want to suggest that we are selectively showing photos.  If I could fit on this blog pictures of every entry, I certainly would, because each artist put considerable time, effort, and creativity into bringing his/her vision to life.  (Not literally, of course; we're not talking Frankenstein here.)

So, if you will permit me, I have selected a few images from the Tri-Kappa art show that particularly appealed to Cauli Le Chat, MPL Roving Reporter, Jules Le Chat, MPL Special Nature Correspondent, and me.  We are cats of a common cause:  namely, to celebrate great art.

Looks Like Our Chicks, Broadway Gal

A Puddle Jumper

 Spooky Faces, For Sure

Santa Slobberdog

I'll be a Monkey's Uncle
(Well, a Chimp's, Anyway)

 Official Indiana State Winged Dinners

Help Save Our Wild and Roaming Critters
 Big Cousins of Mine

 Swimming Suppers
 Wise Winged Dinner
 Scowl-Face Mug?
There is so much wonderful art on display that you really shouldn't miss it.  Drop by my Library early next week and take some time to experience some grand imaginative works.

Art is the Soul's Voice,

Junior of Junior's Farm
MPL Special Correspondent
Arts & Crafts News Beat

P.S.   We close with Gordon Lightfoot performing "A Painter Passing Through" live in concert (June 10, 2007).  If you've never listened to Gord's music, you can't begin to imagine what you're missing.  Run (I mean it!) to your favorite public library and check-out any of his many albums.  Since his recordings span half a century, there's so much to enjoy.  Trust me, you will.


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