Friday, January 21, 2011

Book News: Your Guide to Good Reads

2015 UPDATE:  Book News has been discontinued.  My Library uses Wowbrary now.


Need a good read?  Book News to the rescue!

Or perhaps you would prefer this version of the video.

Didn't like either?  (Hey ... I've got claws, remember!)  Book News emails notices about the latest titles available in a variety of genres.  Just click the icon (below), which is also on our library home page, and you may subscribe to as many categories as you like.  You will then receive emails once a month telling you about some of the best new books that will be so utterly cool to read.

One of the books currently on Book News (as of today, January 21, 2011) is (wait for it!) . . .

(Drum roll, please)

It's kinda small as a screen shot, so I'll give you a hint . . .

A new Dewey book!  Birthdays are fast approaching (moi, Writer Girl, etc.).  You can't go wrong with a Dewey Readmore Books blockbuster.

I like ribbons on my presents, by the way.

For more information about this and other exciting books, take a peek at Book News through the MPL web site.  It's more fun than a bevy of slobberdogs.

Birthday Scam Worked Again,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Book News News Beat
(Say that fast a dozen times)

P.S.  Thanks to MST3K for my tag line for this blog.  Not familiar with?  Click here.  Best show that isn't still on television but should be.

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